vdauwera ★ 1.2k
Status: Active
Handle: @vdauwera
Reputation: 1220
Joined: 12.7 years ago
Twitter: VdaGeraldine
Last seen: 2.4 years ago
Location: Cambridge, MA

Director of Outreach and Communications for the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA. I'm responsible for keeping the research community that uses DSP software happy and well-informed about our tools and how to use them. Our software products include GATK, Cromwell, and Terra.bio, and we are involved in the development of Picard and the WDL workflow language.

I wrote an O'Reilly book about GATK called Genomics in the Cloud (2/3 of which apply whether you use cloud or not): https://oreil.ly/genomics-cloud

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