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14.2 years ago
Does anyone know if it is possible to convert Eland file to BAM?
Does anyone know if it is possible to convert Eland file to BAM?
Samtools http://samtools.sourceforge.net/ includes a script called export2sam.pl. I have not used it myself, but its use is mentioned here: http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/ABRF2010_Tutorial, under 'Viewing alignments in BAM format'.
You would then use: samtools view -bS -o out.bam in.sam
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There is no such thing as an ELAND file. There are files created by ELAND or ELAND2. What is the extension of the file? is it a fastq file is it an export file? are there more than one files? Is this from a paired end or a single end sequencing project?